I am not a writer. I am not perfect. Life is not perfect. I just think things randomly and want to write them down. Call me crazy for I am not perfect.
Had a great weekend away from home visiting relatives out of state. It was a fun, rain filled weekend, gathering with family and their friends. The trip took us 6 hours, what should have been at the most a 4 hour trip took longer than we anticipated.
I sat in amazement as my kids were well behaved even though they were stuck in the car for so long. I was equally amazed at the person next to me, driving, my husband, normally not a patient man, he will tell you, just ask him, continued driving, not complaining just forging along until we arrived at our destination.
Who is this next to me, I say to myself? Is it really him, the love of my life, is he not saying I am turning around and going home because this is ridiculous? Nope, not this time, not at all. What is going on? Are the planets all aligned? Why the change?
As I sat being the co-pilot I was thinking at any moment the non-patient man will rear his ugly head. I was wrong. Very wrong. And glad I was wrong. And for this weekend I am thankful. Thankful that we made it up and back safely, thankful my kids were good and most thankful for the patience of my husband. I wanted him to see where I used to spend Summers and enjoy my family and we did and he did. 

Our trip was mainly for us to attend an important fundraiser close to our hearts but we got so much more from this trip. We learned patience, we learned compromise, we got to see a glimpse of the past, my past which has brought me such fond memories.
I learned to appreciate my husband more because he surprised me this weekend and I am thankful to him for that. I learned things aren't always the same, not always what we think they will be, people change. I cannot wait to go again but next time I think we will take the train... don't want to push the patience card anymore not sure if it is here to stay.
We shall see :)
Another, rant, rave or any ole thing.Terri
So this is what a blog is,i've never read one before because I never knew the person writing it or what the hell they were writing about. Good Job Ter I will be a blog reader. It is amazing what you learn about yourself and car mates on long trips.