Friday, July 30, 2010
Any Ole Thing: "No one, and I mean no one, comes into our house a...
"No one, and I mean no one, comes into our house and pushes us around."

The above title is a quote from one of my favorite football movies of all time. Love football, always have..... love that time of year when the air is crisp. Love the sound of football on TV while the smell of meatballs are cooking in the kitchen, my meatballs of course :)
Although I hate for the summer to end I look forward to the upcoming season of football and my involvement in fantasy football. I am commissioner of one league and I have my own team on another. I love playing the game and I especially love competing against the "guys".....see I am in a league made up of mostly men. I was the 2009 league champion in a league of 12 and me being THE ONLY female to represent that year. What a high that was....beating all 11 guys...whoo hoo.
One owner said to me, "tough loss, especially to a "girl", LOL....get over it dude I whooped your butt!!
I love picking my team, picking up free agents and get that new prospect before some of the men find him as I did with Marques Colston...thank you very much *she grins*.
So it is getting close to that time once again to start thinking of who I will draft, in what round, etc. Now the past few years it has become a "new" trend to take a QB in the first round....did not agree with that, still don't.....a top ranked QB does not get you a sure win. Case in point the year Tom Brady went down, boy that hurt that owner who took him in the first round.
In my opinion I feel you need to lock in a high level back up QB in addition to getting a decent starter but not in the first round. More important to lock in your running backs and wide receivers first.
I am excited about the new season and very excited that my husbands article will be coming back, The Morning After, no it is not about the birth control pill! It's his rant, rave, opinions, and unique insights to all things Eagles. And boy do I love the can find the article The Morning After every Eagles game exclusively on
Thursday, July 8, 2010

The history of the ring that is....what is it and how do you feel about it?
One account:
The wedding band's shape represents an unbroken promise of love and commitment. The circle has no beginning and no end; therefore, the MARRIAGE has no end. It is believed that many past cultures shared the same beliefs about the circles.
There is, however, another theory behind the ring's shape. Many religions consider marriage as "half of the religion." Some historians say that the wedding ring represents two halves coming together to form a united whole. By completing the circle, primitive man also completed his religion.
Blah, blah, blah.........ring, shming, not in today's world does not matter what you have on your finger and if your married or not people do not respect it, honor it and treat it like the symbol it is meant to be.
Ok your turn...agree? Disagree? Opinion? Comment? Bring it............
Friday, April 2, 2010
Why life is forever changed...

So took the new addition (AKA Cherry) to the vet yesterday, discussed all the goings on in this week and half since we adopted her. Discussed all things puppy: sleeping, eating, chewing, growing. So then I mention the new puppy peeing every time she sees my husband when he comes home from work.
Doc didn't miss a beat... "oh that is submissive peeing.....she will eventually grow out of that."
'Submissive peeing I ask...what is that?'
Doc says, "that is when your dog believes your husband is the dominant one, the alpha male", the head honcho (added my title)....LOL. For the love of all things holy, now I have to go repeat this to my alpha male hubby!
Does this Doc not get that my life will change as we know it? I have to tell the man I love... the man who I have known nearly half my life that he is the ALPHA ALMIGHTY! There will be no living with him from this day forward!
So I come home with puppy and kids in tow and have to recount our visit to the Vet when the "alpha" male got home from work.
"Guess what the doctor said?" I ask rhetorically....."He said we have a great puppy.....she is a cutie and a mixed breed and oh yeah you know that peeing she does every time she sees you....?
Well um she will grow out of it eventually. He called it 'submissive peeing' and she does it because she thinks your the alpha male, the dominant one, the bees knees, the greatest thing since white bread..."
My husband took a moment, processed this information and said matter-of-factly...
"You know, you could learn a thing or two from Cherry."
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Who's Really a "Friend" ?

Another, rant, rave or any ole thing.
Rain, rain, go our way, bring more patience again today

Monday, March 8, 2010
Why is life like a roller coaster ride?
One minute on this incredible high the next plunging downward

Some do not know how to handle it very well at all. Throw up, yell to get we can't get off.
Nobody tells you when your young just how tough life can be......relationships, jobs, kids, family and on and on. How we deal with all of this is a learning process. Why do some handle it better than others? Why is it so hard a times? Why can't we be happy all the time? Wouldn't that be nice but totally unrealistic?
Why do some people seem to have an easier life than others? Do we set our own destiny? Do we make our lives more difficult or easier by our everyday actions and decisions?
Is life "like a box of chocolates.....never know what your going to get"?
I know 'deep post for my first' but this is how I am feeling today. Wish as a kid we were told to enjoy life more because when we get older life just gets sooo hard at times.
So tell your kids enjoy these times now while your young they will be some of the best times in your life.
As I said.....any ole thing....any rant....any rave.....anything!
Monday, March 1, 2010
I can write about so many things in my life, my kids, my marriage, my volunteer antics, my past jobs, just rants about everyday stuff.
So I will try my best to keep it interesting! That's all for now :)
New to this
I am very new to this so working things out....want to have a place to just write what I think or feel about any given topic. No rhyme or reason just get it out. So I hope to get started soon and find something to blog about.....stay tuned!